On June 21 s éptimo month of the year, the most important solar festival, is the meaning of a Wiracocha invocation to strengthen the power of the radiant orb. To this end we work with the sacred fire which, through its smoke, contact celestial.En space now is the union between Father Sun and Mother Earth .. Help with a special ceremony to return to the Sun (wilka kuti). This is a time of social renewal and universal is the period when the day is long and the shortest night of the year
To complement this wonderful celebration, it is then in Cusco on June 24, a performance that expresses the harmonious relationship between man and the sun god, the highest divinity Incas. Today starts at the Temple of the Sun or Qoricancha and continues to the Plaza de Armas, to finally reach the esplanade of Sacsayhuaman. Here
performed the first ritual in honor of Mother Earth or Pachamama and Inti or sun god.
Then head to the square or Huacaypata (current main square of Cusco), where the ceremony continued in the Ushnu (ceremonial platform was completely destroyed by the arrival of settlers and now only makes a imitation of what could be)
Finally, the main staging the sacred plaza Sacsaywaman (lasting about 90 min.) place to carry out the rites of fire again, coca, their offerings to the four and the prediction of future times, among others, after the staging is the way for the presentation of native dances of the region.
People who attend are not only a memory of seeing beautiful dances, customs and culture, but even more the feeling in his heart the vital energy of those special days when the Sun God driving radiates to every contact with your inner sun , which achieved the people to achieve the harmony between body and spirit.
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